The Ultimate Guide to Being a Bada**

woman in white lace dress

Rather listen? Go ahead!

Bada** women know how to live life to the fullest and get sh!t done. Many of us are not born this way, but that’s OK – anyone can learn to be a bad**. And here’s the guide.

Take Risks

A bada** welcomes opportunities to step outside her comfort zone. If she’s offered her dream job 2,000 miles away, the first call she makes is to a moving company. Fear is all around us. If we allow it to invade our lives, it can be debilitating and soul crushing.

Want to be this bad? When the door to an opportunity opens, walk through it.

Seek a Challenge

A bada** will go after the complex, almost impossible tasks. She feeds on the negative energy of colleagues who say projects won’t succeed. She knows that these are the moments to shine.

Want to be this bad? The next time a big project comes up, raise your hand to lead it.

Speak with Authority

She knows her stuff and speaks her business with confidence – no apologetic tone or up-speak. 

Ready to be heard? Record and listen to your voice and practice removing the fluff from your speech.

Ask for What You Want and Need

A bada** will ask for what she knows will enhance her work and life.

Want to be this bad? Don’t let the desire to save face trump your desire for excellence.

Be Crystal Clear

She’s clear and direct in her communication, whether it’s in an email, a presentation, or a conversation. Everyone in her presence knows where they stand with her.

Ready to give voice to your badness? Say it loud, say it proud.

Hold Yourself Accountable

A bada** woman doesn’t make excuses. She steps up and takes ownership of her mistakes, flaws, or inconsistencies.

Claim it, fix it, and move on.

Don’t Worry What Others Think of You

She will know whose opinions to value and whose opinions to ignore.

Your mind is too valuable to allow others to live rent free there.

Stand up for Yourself

While she takes criticism, she also defends her position.

Be your own best advocate, champion and cheerleader.

Be Passionate

She is laser-focused on living an extraordinary life and accomplishing her goals.

You’re the motor, and your drive is the fuel.

Build an Alliance

A bada** keeps supporters – not ‘yes-women’ – around her. She knows she can’t get to the heights she aspires without a strong squad who pushes her when she’s losing steam, confronts her when she’s wrong, and comforts her when she’s hurting.

It takes a village to succeed. Find your tribe.

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