Love Letters to Myself

woman doing hand heart sign
I wrote love letters to myself to reconnect with the person I was and offer grace while sharing encouragement for who I will become.

Dear past me,

I forgive you.

Your stubbornness cost you a great deal. And that attitude 😮‍💨!

You had a real problem with goals. You would set them but couldn’t do the work necessary to realize them. Then, you’d beat yourself up and blame your circumstances for not achieving what you wanted.

You didn’t recognize that those trials and tribulations contributed immensely to your growth.

But without that experience, you would not have become the woman you are today. You acknowledged your mistakes, extracted the lessons, filed them away, and you’ve worked hard to move on. And for that, I’m incredibly proud of you.

Be patient. The best is yet to come.

Dear future me:

Isn’t life funny? No matter how much you plan life to go in one direction, sometimes it will throw in some exits and turns. But that’s OK. You have shown the resilience to handle the bumps and obstacles in the road. When life throws you lemons, you make a damn tasty lemonade. It’s cool to make plans but relax. Continue to be strategic yet flexible enough to flow with the curves in your path. Stay on the grind with your business – you’re doing the right thing. Don’t give up on your dreams. You’re going to make a mark. Stay confident in your skills and abilities. You got it; you have to own it. Never stop pushing yourself.

All of your work will pay off big time! Don’t let people tell you you can’t succeed because you’re a single mother or middle-aged. Success is not an overnight thing. Stop chasing other people’s dreams. Take the time to think about what success means to you, and then go after that. 

‘‘Keep on movin’.

Don’t stop, like the hands of time.”

– Soul II Soul

straight road surrounded with grass

Ditch that rigid timeline of when you’re supposed to be married. It will happen at the right time and with the right person. Or maybe not at all. You can’t make people love you. But when you love and focus on yourself, it radiates and pulls the right people toward you. 

Several years ago, you decided to be more of a giver. Be willing to give more of yourself – your time, talent and resources, without expectation of reciprocity. Helping others will bring you immense joy that no amount of money or stuff can ever offer you. 

You are a great mom. But you have to believe it. Despite what you may think, your child loves you and absorbs the lessons you teach them. Continue to guide them in the direction you believe is right and set an exemplary example. Children often learn more from what they see than what you tell them. Ensure your actions align tightly with your words. Be patient; they’ll respond more to a warm voice and assurance than harsh tones and scorn. 

Be diligent about your self-care. Explore life. Never stop learning. Try those things you’ve been considering for the last 10+ years. Learn how to play tennis, swim and dance salsa. Take that Spanish conversation class and attend the jewelry-making workshop. You’ll become that well-rounded, interesting person you’ve longed to become. Stop waiting for others to want to do or try things with you. One monkey doesn’t stop a show, nor should it stop yours! 

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